China Forum

About Us

The China Forum brings together scholars, experts, policymakers, and supporters from around the globe in an engaging environment. The conference provides a space for these leaders and influencers to participate in hard-hitting discussions about the nature of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party, and key issues in U.S.-China relations.

Register for the 2023 China Forum

Greg Autry, Ph.D.,

Founding Director, Southern California Commercial Spaceflight Initiative

Kyle Bass,

Founder and CIO, Hayman Capital Management

Bill Browder

Founder and CEO, Hermitage Capital Management

Leta Hong Fincher, Ph.D.,

 Associate Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University

Michael Forsythe,

Founder and CEO, Hermitage Capital Management

Michael Forsythe,

Reporter, The New York Times

Ursula Gauthier,

Journalist, L’Obs

Chen Guangcheng,

Chinese human rights activist

Wei Jingsheng,

Chinese human rights activist

Dan Tobin,

China Studies Faculty, National Intelligence University

Anastasia Lin,

Miss World Canada 2015, actress, & human rights activist

Dimon Liu,

Writer, Broadcasting Board of Governors

Oriana Mastro, Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University

Peter Mattis,

 Senior Advisor for Global Democratic Resilience, National Democratic Institute

Bradley J. Murg, Ph.D.,

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of International Relations, Paragon International University

Scott Pace, Ph.D.,

Executive Secretary, National Space Council

Roger Robinson,

President and CEO, RWR Advisory Group

Josh Rogin,

Columnist, The Washington Post

Robert Suettinger,

Senior Advisor and Consultant, Stimson Center

Adrian Zenz, Ph.D.,

Senior Research Fellow in China Studies, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation